Crazy & Interesting Alcohol Rules on Svalbard!

While Svalbard is technically a part of Norway, the rules on drinking differ from the mainland quite a bit. Yes it is true that you get a little card for the liquor store that basically gives you a ration for alcohol. You can only buy 30 cans a beer a month. You could buy one per day or 30 at one time on the first day it doesn’t matter. You can also only buy one bottle of spirit a month. That’s only one spirit. So you can’t buy one bottle of gin and one bottle of vodka. You would have to buy the gin this month and the vodka next month. But! They are slow af about those cards. I lived there for 5 months and never even received my card. So… And I wanted one too! Would have been a cool souvenir, but whatever. Interestingly enough there is no limit on wine, so you can get wine drunk all day there haha.

There’s other things that are different too so check out the video below for all the cool facts! And those are the links to all my socials if you wanna check me out!