Lil Peep šŸ’›šŸ£

Probably at my lowest, you know what got me through it? Lil Peep. The music artist and his music was like the soundtrack to my life. I was so down bad on drugs and it felt like I was drowning and I just couldnā€™t get my head above water. I had the woman of my dreams. I had her. We lived together and I was so lost. I wanted to be this great amazing guy for her. The one she definitely deserved and I just couldnā€™t. I had the girl, the job, brand new car, and everything, but I was self destructing. It really felt like nobody knew what I was going through, and I was distant from everyone in my life. Lil Peep knew though. Itā€™s like he understood everything and became my best friend despite me never meeting him. ā€œCome Over When Youā€™re Soberā€ part 1 & 2 felt like my soundtrack. I had a great woman who just could not understand why I couldnā€™t just be clean. That I had no answers for her still haunts me to this day. Lil Peeps music hurts and heals, itā€™s so weird. I have so many thanks to Gus for helping me get through my tough times and I feel bad that Gus himself didnā€™t have anyone for that. Addiction is a motherfucker and I hope we all experience freedom one day. Lil Peep is the man. His music will live on forever and anytime I donā€™t think someone understands me, all I have to do is press play. Thanks Gus. RIP. šŸ’›šŸ£